Sistema profesional de terapia de neuropatía periférica del pie diabético (Sistema de terapia de capilares para pie diabético),Biotesiómetro VPT Fabricante y proveedor
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Percussion Hammer by MAIKONG.LTD

» Kit de examen de neuropatía diabética » Percussion Hammer by MAIKONG.LTD
  • Percussion Hammer by MAIKONG.LTD

    Kit de examen de neuropatía diabética, Productos
    • Presupuesto

    Percussion Hammer by MAIKONG.LTD

    MAIKONG.LTD is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for diabetes and related medical conditions. Our product line includes Equipos de detección y detección de neuropatía, Biotesiómetros digitales, Dispositivos de tratamiento para la diabetes con infrarrojo cercano, y más. One of our essential diagnostic tools is the Percussion Hammer, used by medical professionals to assess neuromuscular reflexes.

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    Descripción general del producto

    El Percussion Hammer is a critical tool for healthcare providers, designed to test neuromuscular reflexes by gently tapping specific areas of the body. This simple yet effective instrument allows clinicians to observe the response of the muscles and nerves, helping in the diagnosis of conditions affecting the nervous system.

    Clinical Function

    El Percussion Hammer is used to:

    • Evaluate reflexes and nerve function.
    • Assist in diagnosing neuromuscular disorders.

    It is an essential tool for neurologists, general practitioners, and other medical professionals.

    Customization Options

    At MAIKONG.LTD, we offer OEM/ODM servicios, allowing for full customization of the Percussion Hammer, including packaging, apariencia, y software. You can also set a custom boot-up logo to align with your brand’s identity.

    For more information on distribution opportunities, contact MAIKONG.LTD.

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