Professionelles Therapiesystem für periphere Neuropathie bei diabetischem Fuß (Kapillartherapiesystem für den diabetischen Fuß),Biothesiometer VPT Hersteller und Lieferant
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diabetes with macrovascular complications icd 10

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Diabetische mikrovaskuläre Komplikationen: Risiken und Management

Diabetische mikrovaskuläre Komplikationen: Risiken und Management

What Are Diabetic Microvascular Complications? Microvascular complications refer to damage within the body’s smallest blood vessels, including capillaries and networks with a diameter below 100 micrometers. These microvessels are essential for exchanging nutrients and waste between blood and tissue cells, forming the foundation of our circulatory system. In individuals with diabetes, elevated blood glucose disrupts normal microcirculation, leading to significant